Gotta start this story thing someplace,
after all.
So, where does this quasi-fanfic series
of mine take place? Well, the location is largely based on the local
shopping malls in my childhood home town. I say that as plural
because there were indeed two that went beyond just the strip mall
sort of thing, which seems a little weird for a city as relatively
small as that.
The actual physical structure I was
using the first time I started this little universe as a fan-based
Mystery Science Theater thing was the smaller of the two malls,
anchored by a movie theater and a regional discount chain store
called, quite literally, The Half-Price Store. Both went under in
the late 80s or early 90s, and the place sat relatively empty and
quiet until Best Buy got big in the mid to late 90s.
Although the most major parts of what I
could call “my mall”, meaning the internal structure, the
relative locations of the other stores and businesses to “my”
theater, and the like were based on that one mall, there were some
details I took from the more major of the two malls I grew up
visiting. The most notable was the highly polished stone floors.
Far as I can remember, the smaller place always had carpet of some
kind, whereas the larger had these really cool waxed stone floors.
In one instance, this surface played into a gag at the end of a
The other was the relative volume of
the place. Essentially, the square footage was someplace between the
two. I'd estimate half again as big as the smaller, or two-thirds
the size of the larger. I don't have any numbers to give, largely
because I'm no good with such things. Even if I did, I'm not sure
how much they'd matter.
At any rate, this is meant pretty much
as a starter for this whole fiction writing thing I want to try my
hand at again. I'd like to think it could go someplace, but it's
hard to say. Wish me luck, folks.
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