Wednesday, July 11, 2012

TEXT PLAY: Legend of Mana (PlayStation; 2000): Issue #19: JMShearer and the Stolen Dudbear Idol

This is kind of an Indiana Jones sort of quest, after all, I guess...

I guess it's a good thing I put the SS Buccaneer on the map a few issues back because I've gotta make a stop there to finish this thing. But first, the trick is going to be getting the hell out of the Mines. This is really going to bite.

It seems like there are about a million dead ends in this mine that went nowhere. And, of course, in the course of bumbling around in an effort to find my way out, I came across the start of the other quest in the mine. It involves a bird guy who tells stories named Pokheil who wants to tell us all about this dude named Watts, who runs a shop in the mines and likes to go running all over hell looking for shit or something. And it's up to us to find his sorry ass. But we're going to fuck that for now and finish off looking for the idol that the Pirates horked from the Dudbears.

So, once I finally get out of that damned mine, after running around for way to long, I gotta go to the Buccaneer to find the idol. Like I said last time I was there, it's confusing as all hell to find my way around on there. Makes me damned glad I was never in the Navy. I'd have wound up on a ship and sucked hard at it. But at least it was a little easier to get around this time.

Turns out the idol was a guy or something, and the Penguins had stuffed him in a barrel on the lower decks of the ship. Let him out and he runs the hell away, just like anybody with a half an ounce of brains would do around the Penguins. So, now it's off to Polpotta to find him on the beach in the west part of town. Go there and talk to him. He growls like a dog or something. The Dudbears and their priest show up and act all happy to see him. The quest ends and all I get for it is the satisfaction of knowing I finished it. Not quite what I'd hoped for on account of how frustrating this turned out to be, but I'll take it just to be done with it.

And then there's Lil Cactus's take on the damned thing. He says it was a Macho Man looking for his doggie in that last quest. There must be crack in his water supply. Oh well, at least I can go look at my garden. Lots of Peach Puppies, Apricats and Cherry Bombs this time around. Fitting, somehow.

And I know what I said last time, but before I go back and see what happens when I do Lucidia instead, I think I'll close out that quest about Pokheil and Watts. That one's called “Mine Your Own Business”. But I think before I do that, I'll try to push ahead in the Final Fantasy text play a little bit. Any more Legend of Mana right now might make me stab someone who doesn't need to be stabbed.

So, until next time, whichever game I play, stay safe, sleep well, and have fun gaming. And please, do remember to DFTBA.

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