Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Back To School...?

Maybe I should go after all...

For a long time now, I'd thought I was done with higher education. Not because I thought it was a bad thing, mind you, or that it was something that didn't work. Quite the contrary. I've always thought, and still do, that those have been some of my best years ever, and had I applied myself differently, I could have had a very different life.

It's just that after the failures and missteps of my late teens and twenties, I'd gotten to a point where I'd decided that one way or another it was just time to get on with my life, for better or worse.

But things are different now, and in light of a few recent events, I'm considering going back to school again, in hopes that the third time will be the charm after all.

The question is, though, what do I go for, exactly? People have been complementing me on my writing skills since grade school, but I've been trying to do things with that for a long time with only a little success. Of course, that could largely be due to what I was saying about the way I'd applied myself. There could still be something in that after all.

A little more than a year ago, I wrote something about how video work seemed to be the way of the future. Perhaps there's something to that. Maybe I should consider options along those lines. Screenwriting occurs as an option.

Or perhaps I should consider learning to do video editing. That seems to be an important skill as well these days. It certainly has lead to some interesting careers for quite a few relative celebrities I could list here. But then again, those people also do a lot of on-camera work as well, and I'm not entirely certain that's a good option for me.

At any rate, I have some thinking to do. I'm becoming rather bored of my life as it is, and sadly, I'm the only one who can change the way that is. I just need to figure out how, exactly, I'm going to do it.

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