Sunday, May 13, 2012

A Busy Week

Even I have them from time to time.

There's been a lot going on in my little world lately, and as such, I haven't had as much time for writing as I would have liked.  As I've hinted at in previous posts, there have been things going on that I can't share with the world, but now that I think I may have the time to do so, I'll try to share as much as I think I can.  Even if I only use half of what I think I've got, there's still plenty to work with.

Although I haven't made very many posts here, I have been working on some behind the scenes stuff so that new things can come out a little quicker, at least for the very near future.  I've got a few jokes halfway lined up for my Text Play of Legend of Mana, so all I have to do is insert the links as need be.  I've got a little money set aside for finally going to the movies again.  While this looks to be a slow year in that regard, The Three Stooges may be better than I was giving it credit for at first, and I have, by and large, heard good things about The Avengers.

The fan fiction front, as always, is proving to be a little trickier than I'd like.  Now that I'm getting into reposting the Hamtaro/GTA crossover, I'm not sure what, if any, more historical tidbits I could post to introduce them.  And, as always, I've got some new stuff I'd like to get started on, but still can't figure out how exactly to go about it.

But anyway, that's about it for now.  I should have some more goodies coming out soon.  See you then, folks.

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