Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Nutrition Guides?

In a burger joint?

Well, OK, not so surprising, really. It's just that at work lately, we've been printing ours on the back of tray liners. I'm not sure how smart a movie an idea that is. I don't know how many will turn the things over and read the chart, especially since these tray liners are essentially meant to get messed up as their primary purpose.

Besides that, I'm not entirely sure if this is because of consumer demand for such a thing or if there's some sort of legal requirement someplace that something like it be done. It just seems a little odd to me, is all, that we've got these so-called nutrition guides printed on something that nobody ever really looks at because it's meant to help keep the trays clean and advertise products on the lower end of the spectrum, healthwise.

The only reason I noticed is because I use the things to write first drafts of blog posts on when I'm on break at work. I have to wonder how many folks notice such things, because for years, the backs of these things were blank, and for a long time before that, there were kids games there instead.

It's just one of those things that seems all around weird is all.

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