Monday, June 18, 2012

A Dilemma

I guess I should have seen this coming when I started.

See, when I started this little dietary experiment of mine, there were issues beyond just my own health involved. Since then, those external issues have changed a bit, though not for the better, making me a little uncertain as to how to continue.

While the things that finally inspired me to make the changes I'm trying are still happening, the way in which they are happening has changed. I want to get my weight down, of course, but I don't want to wind up shooting myself in the foot, so to speak, if I don't have to.

One of the things that got me into the situation I'm in is my tenancy to take things a little too far. Going overboard on things comes real easy for me, and getting into trouble is always a concern.

So, anyway, the confusion here is of when I should buy lunch at work and when to bring my own from home. The situation at work is rather mutable and hard to predict, which is bad on a lot of levels.

I'm sure I'll figure something out soon. I just hope I don't wind up regretting it before then.

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