Tuesday, June 5, 2012


I'm working on something of a slush pile of stuff to push out as need be.

What that means is that I'm getting a few things built up so I can just push them out as time permits.  Right now, I've got two freeform posts ready to go, but rather than just post the updates now, I'll be holding on to them so that I can post something quickly either before I go to my day job or after I get home and still have time to write and work on other projects.

There's the Text Plays, as always, and I've got some art and stuff to finish off and scan, too.  That will be coming as time allows.

But the reason I'm trying to get stuff built up as much as I can when I get the chance to do so is that I like the idea that maybe doing this blog and posting stuff to DeviantArt can help me change my position in life.  It's not necessarily that I don't like what I'm doing right now.  It's just that I hadn't really planned on doing it for as long as I have.  Part of the reason I have is that I didn't really have the focus I thought I did on getting something else, and now it's time to change that a bit, I think.

So, I'll be working away on getting stuff stocked up so I can at least try to post on a more regular and consistent basis than I have been lately.  With any luck, that will be a stepping stone to bigger and better things.  Wish me luck, folks.  I'm going to need it.

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