Friday, June 15, 2012


Well, the bugs that eat them, really...

Every summer for the past few years, I've been trying to grow a few vegetables, mostly carrots and radishes, in pots outside my apartment.  I've had varying results each year, but have had reasonably good results.  This year may be a bit different, though.

This won't be the first time I've had bugs get stuff.  That actually happens every year, to some extent.  This year, however, I'm having worse luck with that than usual.  I don't know what kind of insect eats radish leaves, but they must have come by my place today.  They gobbled up all the leaves radishes I had left to grow a little longer, and I think they might have gotten the carrots, too.

That wouldn't be so bad if I didn't also have something that likes to dig in the other pot I've got out.  I don't know if it's the planting mix or the seeds, but there's something, I'm thinking squirrels, that likes to dig in it and eat the seeds.  It could be the gophers that live around here, too, but I don't picture them much as climbers, since that's really the only way they'd get in there.

But anyway, that's kind of how my garden's going this year.  Guess I'll just have to plant more seeds and see what becomes of them.

Author Inserted Ad Link:

"Seed Starter Potting Soil (6/Box)"

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