Sunday, June 24, 2012

Freeform Writing

That's what I started this blog for, and why I was curious about the video game stuff before.

Like I said in that post, I'm glad people read my stuff, and if it's video games you want, that's fine. I'm going to play anyway, so if I can get more than personal enjoyment out of it, so much the better.

But I also like doing freeform writing like this. I often wonder what people think of these random topics I write about. That was as much the point of the post about the text plays as anything.

I'm just looking for balance amongst what I post here, between series stuff of one sort or another and just what comes into my head when I've got a few spare minutes to write. I'm sure that will make for better things for all of us here, and it might make things easier for me, too.

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